Best Productivity ever used.
Powerpack is a paid service. The free service is already pretty good.
Powerpack makes Alfred the best productivity in its category.
- Clipboad Histroy (text, image, file) with searching function
- Snippets & Auto-Expansion
- Define your snippets such as email, address, or any commonly used text.
- Groove to your Music
- Control iTunes, Spotify or another music service with keyboard.
- File/Folder Search and more actions to files/folders
- Custom themes
- Workflows
- etc.
The ultimate iOS command centre for Alfred. Your iPhone or iPad now becomes a perfect day-long companion to your Mac.
- It costs 5 extra USD as a mobile app on iPhone
- The UI design is really ugly, honestly.
- Security risk, it requires you to open a port (Mac as a server), no one knows if the ugly function has a security vulnerability
- Functions not really useful
- You can open apps and folder from your iPhone/iPad (Note, the app still shows up on your Mac, not phone)
- Control volumns and power (shutdown, sleep, power save, etc.)
The only reasonable use case I can think of is, when you are away from your computer but forgot to lock it, you can lock it remotely, but you still have to be connected to the same local network as the Mac.
As a programmer, the feature I like the most is Workflows. It has a nice GUI that allows you to program automated tasks.
I can automate most of the stuff I want with it, so that I can type less, and touch the mouse less.
See community workflows.
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