Abstract Factory
Suppose there are 3 types of products (families) and each product has 3 variants, then there are 9 products in total.
With regular factory method, we have one factory for each product (in this case, family), but what if we want to add a new variant without changing existing code?
Declare an interface for each product family
Variants of each product family need to implement these interfaces.
Declare AbstractFactory interface
It has some methods that return abstract product types (family), such as
- createChair -> Chair
- createTable -> Table
- createSofa -> Sofa
For each variant of a product family, create a separate factory class based on AbstractFactory interface. Each factory is responsible for creating the products of a single variant.
Client (Application) doesn't need to know which type of factory is used, a concrete factory object could be passed to the application (created beforehand based on some parameters).
Sample Code
Application (Client)
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