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IP Info Cache

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/HuakunShen/ip-info-cache-pb

In some of my projects, I need to visualize IP addresses on a map, thus I will need to get the longitude and latitude of the IP address.

IP info APIs costs money. e.g. ipgeolocation.io has a free tier of 30k requests/month.

It's hard to request 30k unique ips in a month, but if the same ip address is checked frequently the free quota could be used up quickly. Thus I built this simple cache server. This cache server is used as a proxy server, requests sent to /api/info/<:ip> is forwarded to API service and cached in pocketbase.

Why Pocketbase?

Key value DB like redis is usually used for caching, however Redis memory is expensive. We may need to store millions of ip addresses.

Pockethost provides free pocketbase service. So I deployed a pocketbase service on pockethost and built this simple cache server.

Sample Response

  "calling_code": "+61",
  "city": "South Brisbane",
  "connection_type": "",
  "continent_code": "OC",
  "continent_name": "Oceania",
  "country_capital": "Canberra",
  "country_code2": "AU",
  "country_code3": "AUS",
  "country_emoji": "🇦🇺",
  "country_flag": "https://ipgeolocation.io/static/flags/au_64.png",
  "country_name": "Australia",
  "country_name_official": "Commonwealth of Australia",
  "country_tld": ".au",
  "currency": {
    "code": "AUD",
    "name": "Australian Dollar",
    "symbol": "A$"
  "district": "Brisbane",
  "geoname_id": "10113228",
  "ip": "",
  "is_eu": false,
  "isp": "APNIC Research and Development",
  "languages": "en-AU",
  "latitude": "-27.47306",
  "longitude": "153.01421",
  "organization": "Cloudflare, Inc.",
  "state_code": "AU-QLD",
  "state_prov": "Queensland",
  "time_zone": {
    "current_time": "2025-03-08 06:13:39.206+1000",
    "current_time_unix": 1741378419.206,
    "dst_end": "",
    "dst_exists": false,
    "dst_savings": 0,
    "dst_start": "",
    "is_dst": false,
    "name": "Australia/Brisbane",
    "offset": 10,
    "offset_with_dst": 10
  "zipcode": "4101"

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