Here is a Drag and Drop wrapper component I wrote for svelte.
It's important to note that, in order for the drop event to be fired properly, we also need to call preentDefault() on the dragover event.
To use the component, here is an example. The UI requires tailwind and skeleton library to properly render. Just read the code to get the idea, it's quite simple to use in fact. DragNDrop is a wrapper, you need to set the size, and styles for it, then it's region will be file-droppable.
<script lang="ts"> import DragNDrop from './drag-n-drop.svelte'; function onDrop(e: CustomEvent<DragEvent>) { console.log(e.detail.dataTransfer?.files); } let isOver = false; let fileInputEle: HTMLInputElement;</script><DragNDrop class="flex flex-col justify-center items-center space-y-6 card {$$props.class} cursor-pointer" on:click={() => {; }} on:drop={onDrop} on:dragleave={() => { isOver = false; }} on:dragenter={() => { isOver = true; }}> <iconify-icon class="text-6xl" icon="ic:round-upload" /> {#if isOver} <span class="text-lg"><strong>Drop the file</strong></span> {:else} <span class="text-lg"><strong>Upload a file</strong> or drag and drop</span> {/if} <input type="file" class="hidden" multiple bind:this={fileInputEle} on:change={(e) => { // console.log(; }} /></DragNDrop>