Chat apps are very popular since ChatGPT got viral, and so many tools were created for building Chat apps, e.g. langchain.
However, almost all AI chat apps I've seen are created with React.
Svelte is my favourite and what I used to create Kunkun , and I have to implement a AI chat app with svelte.
Vercel's AI sdk
is extensible, supports rehype and remark plugins, and also custom renderer.
Without these features, I won't be able to create code highlight, latex, or copy button on code blocks.
< script lang = "ts" >
import rehypeShikiFromHighlighter from "@shikijs/rehype/core"
import rehypeClassNames from "rehype-class-names"
import rehypeKatex from "rehype-katex"
import remarkMath from "remark-math"
import { createHighlighterCoreSync } from "shiki/core"
import { createJavaScriptRegexEngine } from "shiki/engine/javascript"
import svelte from "shiki/langs/svelte.mjs"
import ts from "shiki/langs/typescript.mjs"
import githubDarkDefault from "shiki/themes/github-dark-default.mjs"
import Markdown from "svelte-exmarkdown"
import type { Plugin } from "svelte-exmarkdown"
import Pre from "./Pre.svelte"
const addClass : Plugin = {
rehypePlugin: [
pre: "p-4 rounded-md overflow-auto"
const shikiPlugin = {
rehypePlugin: [
createHighlighterCoreSync ({
themes: [githubDarkDefault],
langs: [
engine: createJavaScriptRegexEngine ()
theme: "github-dark-default"
} satisfies Plugin
const plugins : Plugin [] = [
{ remarkPlugin: [remarkMath], rehypePlugin: [rehypeKatex] },
{ renderer: { pre: Pre } }
let { md } : { md : string } = $ props ()
</ script >
< Markdown { md } { plugins } />
The pre
custom renderer is optional. I used a custom pre
renderer to add a copy button.
< script lang = "ts" >
import { Button } from '@kksh/svelte5' ;
import { CopyIcon } from 'lucide-svelte' ;
import type { Snippet } from 'svelte' ;
let pre : HTMLPreElement ;
let {
class : className,
} : { children : Snippet ; class ?: string ; style ?: string } = $ props ();
</ script >
< div class = "relative" >
< pre class ={className} { style } bind : this ={pre}>{@ render children ()}</ pre >
< Button
size = "icon"
variant = "outline"
onclick ={() => navigator.clipboard. writeText (pre.textContent ?? '' )}
class = "absolute right-2 top-2"
< CopyIcon />
</ Button >
</ div > contains example to create server with ai sdk with SvelteKit server routes.
However, I prefer using a separate server for this. My current favourite server framework is Hono .
See for AI Sdk's Hono sample code.
Sample Hono Code import { openai } from "@ai-sdk/openai" ;
import { serve } from "@hono/node-server" ;
import { streamText } from "ai" ;
import { Hono } from "hono" ;
import { stream } from "hono/streaming" ;
const app = new Hono ();
app. post ( "/" , async ( c ) => {
const result = streamText ({
model: openai ( "gpt-4o" ),
prompt: "Invent a new holiday and describe its traditions." ,
// Mark the response as a v1 data stream:
c. header ( "X-Vercel-AI-Data-Stream" , "v1" );
c. header ( "Content-Type" , "text/plain; charset=utf-8" );
return stream (c, ( stream ) => stream. pipe (result. toDataStream ()));
serve ({ fetch: app.fetch, port: 8080 });
constant is the url to the server. https://<domain>/api/chat
< script lang = "ts" >
import { SERVER_URL_URL } from '@/constants' ;
import { useChat } from '@ai-sdk/svelte' ;
import { Markdown } from '@kksh/ui/markdown' ;
import { Button, Textarea, Card, Input, Badge } from '@kksh/svelte5' ;
import { ScrollArea } from '@kksh/ui' ;
import { IconMultiplexer } from '@kksh/ui' ;
import { IconEnum } from '@kksh/api/models' ;
import { GlobeIcon } from 'lucide-svelte' ;
import sampleMessages from './sample-messages.json' ;
import 'katex/dist/katex.min.css' ;
import { onMount } from 'svelte' ;
import Inspect from 'svelte-inspect-value' ;
import { dev } from '$app/environment' ;
import { preferences } from '@/stores/preference' ;
import { fade } from 'svelte/transition' ;
import { type UIMessage } from 'ai' ;
const { data } = $ props ();
let usage = $ state <{
completionTokens : number ;
promptTokens : number ;
totalTokens : number ;
completionTokens: 0 ,
promptTokens: 0 ,
totalTokens: 0
const { input , handleSubmit , messages , setMessages } = useChat ({
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${ data . session ?. access_token }`
onResponse : ( response ) => {
console. log (response.headers);
onFinish : ( msg , options ) => {
console. log ( 'finished' , msg, options);
usage = options.usage;
let messagesContainer : HTMLDivElement | null = $ state ( null );
$ effect (() => {
if ($messages. length > 0 ) {
scrollToBottom ();
onMount (() => {
scrollToBottom ();
if (dev) {
setMessages (sampleMessages as unknown as UIMessage []);
const scrollToBottom = () => {
if (messagesContainer) {
messagesContainer. scrollTo ({
top: messagesContainer.scrollHeight,
behavior: 'smooth'
const handleKeyDown = ( event : KeyboardEvent ) => {
// Handle Ctrl+K to clear messages
if (event.key === 'k' && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
event. preventDefault ();
setMessages ([]);
$input = '' ;
return ;
// Handle Enter for submission (but not with Shift)
if (event.key === 'Enter' && ! event.shiftKey) {
event. preventDefault ();
handleSubmit (event);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Textarea Expand */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
let textareaEl : HTMLTextAreaElement | null = $ state ( null );
const autoResize = ( textarea : HTMLTextAreaElement ) => { = 'auto' ;
const newHeight = Math. min (textarea.scrollHeight, 10 * 24 ); // Assuming ~24px per row = newHeight + 'px' ;
const handleInput = ( event : Event ) => {
const textarea = as HTMLTextAreaElement ;
autoResize (textarea);
</ script >
{# snippet usageDisplay ()}
< div class = "flex gap-2 text-xs opacity-35" >
< p >Tokens used: {usage.totalTokens}</ p >
< p >Prompt tokens: {usage.promptTokens}</ p >
< p >Completion tokens: {usage.completionTokens}</ p >
</ div >
{/ snippet }
< div class = "container flex h-screen max-w-[70em] flex-col pt-12" >
{# if $preferences.developerMode}
< div transition : fade >
< Inspect value ={sampleMessages} />
</ div >
{/ if }
< ScrollArea . Root class = "grow pr-4" bind : viewportRef ={messagesContainer}>
{# each $messages as message}
{# if message.role === 'user' }
< div class = "ml-auto max-w-lg rounded-lg border p-2" >
< p >{message.content}</ p >
</ div >
{: else }
< div >
< Badge class = "mb-1 rounded-full" variant = "secondary" >{message.role}</ Badge >
< Markdown md ={message.content} />
</ div >
{/ if }
{/ each }
</ ScrollArea . Root >
< div class = "w-full pb-4 pr-4" >
< form class = "w-full" onsubmit ={handleSubmit}>
< Card . Root class = "space-y-1 p-2" >
< Textarea
bind : value ={$input}
bind : ref ={textareaEl}
class = "min-h-[2.5rem] resize-none overflow-y-auto border-none focus-visible:ring-0"
placeholder = "Ask me anything..."
onkeydown ={handleKeyDown}
oninput ={handleInput}
rows ={ 1 }
< div class = "flex items-center justify-between gap-2" >
< Button variant = "outline" size = "sm" class = "flex items-center gap-1 rounded-full" >
< GlobeIcon />
< span >Search</ span >
</ Button >
< Button type = "submit" class = "rounded-full" size = "icon" variant = "outline" >
< IconMultiplexer
icon ={{
type: IconEnum.Iconify,
value: 'tabler:arrow-up'
</ Button >
</ div >
{@ render usageDisplay ()}
</ Card . Root >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
How is this guide?
Good Bad